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DRILL "Side Pick & Roll Defence"
Title:Side Pick & Roll Defence
Graphic N°: 1
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Graphic N°: 2
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There are two guards and two centres on the court. One guard is opposite the other on the wing, behind the three point line, while two centres are standing parallel next to each other. Player O1 starts to play P&R with O2. Defence is starting to implement “forcing to the base line out” rule. When O1 goes above the screen he passes the ball to O4 who is repeating side P&R with O3.
Goals / purpose / skills
This is a great drill for practicing defence against side PNR – FORCING TO THE BASE LINE OUT.
Coach can make some modifications for ending this drill.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
For this drill we need 8 players and one ball.
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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