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Fundamentals Categories

Passing and Catching
Passing - Fundamental
Passing - In Motion
Passing - One-Handed
Passing - Three / Four Ball Combinations
Passing - Transition Passes
Passing - Two Ball Combinations
Ilona Korstin Fundamentals
DescriptionPlayers should use their fingertips, not the palms of their hands. Basketball is played on the tips of the fingers and the balls of the feet. Players should use their forearm and wrist to bounce the ball. They should not look at the ball, keep their head up and eyes forward, and learn to use either hand. A good pass is one that is caught by the intended receiver. Successful passing involves making the pass and receiving the pass. The receiver should have soft (relaxed) hands, catch the ball with both hands and look the ball into his hands. The receiver should in most cases be moving toward the pass. (Meet the Pass) The receiver must learn to get open by making the necessary V-cuts and back-cuts, and setting screens for other team mates and then sealing the defender and "rolling" off those screens. A receiver should always know where the ball is. A big part of passing is making correct decisions with the ball. If a defender is in the passing lane, players should not force the pass. They should pass away from the defence. Do not have players pass into a situation where the receiver is not in a good position to receive the ball. A good passer knows how to open the passing lanes by making a fake in one direction, and then passing in the opposite direction. Making a ball fake, head fake, pass fake, or just looking the opposite direction will often open up the desired passing lane. Players should not look right at their receiver or telegraph their passes. They should use their peripheral vision and keep their eyes forward and know where their team mates are at all times. A good passer knows how to deliver the ball with touch, with just the right velocity and angle to make it an easy catch for the receiver. They must learn to anticipate, to pass the ball to where their team mate will soon be, not where he is right now. Players must lead the receiver, and not pass behind him. Good passing involves timing and communication between the passer and receiver. Both the passer and the receiver must learn to read the defence. Players should be under control when making a pass, and balanced with both feet on the floor. Players should not get into the habit of jumping when they make a pass.

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