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Play Details Title: Mid Screen Offence Author: FE Administrator Description:
Public breakdown drills
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Graphic N°: 1 In this offence the action takes place in the centre of the floor, with shooters spotting up on the wings, so it takes away the helpside support making it very difficult to defend. In addition, when executed correctly, the on ball screen provides for an array of quick hitting options.
O5 sets an on ball screen to free up O1 for dribble penetration. O1 has the option of turning the corner for a drive to the basket or executing a pull up jumper if the defence goes below the screen. O1 also has options of a drop pass to O5, kick out passes to O2 & O3 spotting up on the wings, or a pass out to O4 who will pop out to the arc.
Graphic N°: 2 Continuity: Flex
If the mid screen and roll action does not produce a good shot, then O1 makes a reversal pass out to O4 to initiate flex action.
Graphic N°: 3 Continuity: Flex
O3 rubs off O5's base screen and O1 sets a down screens for O5.
Graphic N°: 4 Continuity: Flex
O4 passes to O5 as O1 pops out to the corner. O2 rubs off O3's base screen and O4 down screens for O3.
Graphic N°: 5 Continuity: Triangle
O3 clears to the helpside wing as O1 and O5 execute a mid screen and roll. If the mid screen action does not produce a good shot, O1 looks to feed O2 popping out off O4's base screen to initiate triangle continunity.
Graphic N°: 6 Continuity: Triangle
O1 makes a reversal pass out to O2 who in turns passes to O3 or O1 can make a skip pass directly across to O3. O4 sets a base screen for O5 and then a back screen for O2. O3 looks to feed O5 or lob to O2.
Graphic N°: 7 Continuity: Triangle
O3 makes a reversal pass to O4 who passes to O1. O2 sets a base cross screen for O5. O4 down screens for O2.
Graphic N°: 8 Continuity: Side Screen
When the screen and roll action does not produce a good shot, O1 or O4 looks to feed O5 in the low post area. When O1 makes a reversal pass out to O4 it initiates side screen action. O4 passes to O2 on the wing and sets an ON Ball screen. O2 drives over O4's screen initiating screen and roll action.
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