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Description This drill uses four offensive and four defensive players. Offensive players do not change sides, but move and screen for each other on the same side. A coach begins with the ball at the top of the key. He can pass to the wing, drive the basket or dribble side to side. Defensive players must begin in denial positions, but adjust according to ball movements. Defensive players must fight through and get back to a denial position.
Goals / purpose / skills To teach and review man to man defensive concepts. Goals: wing denial, fight through screens, jump to the ball, help, close out, high side/close the middle, taking charges.
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Tips / Hints / Emphasis Players must stay low in a good defensive stance and must see the ball and their man at all times. Players must communicate at all times, react to the ball quickly and maintain a denial position.
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position