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DRILL "5-5 Half Court to Full Court Transition Drill"
Title:5-5 Half Court to Full Court Transition Drill
Author:FE Administrator
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Related Fundamentals
Passing - Transition Passes
Players will start out playing 5v5 in the half court. When the whistle blows, the offensive team will immediately pick the ball up and throw it to a Coach near the half court line on either sideline. The Coach that receives the ball then throws it back to a player on the same team who were on offence. That team plays transition to the other basket. The defensive team must go from defending in the half court to defending the opposite basket in transition in the full court.
Goals / purpose / skills
To work on offensive and defensive transition.
Variations There are no data
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
Defensive players must immediately sprint to get back and cover in transition upon the whistle. Players must communicate with one another to get matched up and must understand that it will be essential that they at times pick up someone other than who they are assigned to guard. Players must also understand the concept of defensive rotation to make sure that every offensive player is accounted for. Offensive players must push the ball as hard as they can and make good decisions with the ball.
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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