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DRILL "Dribble Direction Change w/ Heads Up"
Title:Dribble Direction Change w/ Heads Up
Author:FE Administrator
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Related Fundamentals
Dribbling - One Ball Inside/Out & Front/Back
Along the half court line space out 5 to 6 players facing you. You should be at the center of the baseline they are facing, underneath the basket. Instruct your players to dribble in whichever direction you move - side to side, forwards and backwards. Change direction without speaking so they have to keep their eyes on you. As they progress change directions more quickly and move faster.
Goals / purpose / skills
Teach players to dribble with their heads up.
Variations There are no data
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
Loss of dribble during the drill should have some penalty.
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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