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DRILL "2-2 Close Out and Helpside Drill"
Title:2-2 Close Out and Helpside Drill
Author:FE Administrator
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This 2v2 drill features a defender in helpside, sprinting out from the helpside and closing out on his man on the wing after the skip pass. Teach the defender to close out on the top, or inside shoulder of the offensive player, with the outside foot back, in order to force them baseline. In addition, the wing players must learn to play correct helpside defense (in the key) when the ball is two passes away on the opposite wing. Use two offensive and two defensive wing players. The ball is skip passed back and forth while the defenders work on correct helpside positioning and closing out. Rotate offence to defence after several passes back and forth.
Goals / purpose / skills
Jump with the pass (fly with the ball) for a good close-out and for the correct position on helpside.
Variations There are no data
Tips / Hints / Emphasis There are no data
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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