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Description Challenging 1-1 Drill where the Coach can variate the degree of difficulty very well.
Coach has the ball at Top of the key. Offensive Player tries to get open, Defender tries to deny.
Offensive player also moves to Weak side to make the defender change his position regarding where his opponent is.
Whenever the Coach passes, they play 1-1.
Whenever the Coach shoots the Defender must box out well and rebound.
Coach controls when and where he wants to pass.
Goals / purpose / skills Fundamental offensive and defensive Skills
Defensive orientation ball-side/weak-side, boxing out and rebounding
Variations Variation: Coach changes his position by dribbling or passing to another Coach/Player.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
There are no data
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position