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Description This drill involves six players divided in to two groups. Each group needs a player positioned at the free throw line, the wing position and also a player at the half court with a basketball. The drill starts with O1 passing the ball to O2 then running outside him toward the basket. O2 passes the ball to O3 and cuts over the free throw line to the basket. O3 chooses either O1 or O2 to receive the pass for a layup. Simultaneously O4, O5 and O6 perform the same moves on the other side of the court. After the layups the players rotate in their groups clockwise.
Goals / purpose / skills This drill is perfect for improving basket cuts. It also teaches correct timing and spacing.
Variations The post players could pass the ball to the cutting players from the other group.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis Player should take care to avoid collisions.
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position