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DRILL "Defending Pass into Low Post"
Title:Defending Pass into Low Post
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Sometimes a pass will get into the low post. You can double-team this with the ball side post defender and the help side wing defender (who is already in the key in help position). This allows you to keep your help side post defender on their other "big man". This drill stresses correct help side positioning of the wing defenders and setting the double-team on the low post. It also stresses correct 1/2 - 3/4 fronting by the low post defender. Start with the ball on the wing and allow the pass into the post, then set the double-team. The ball is skip passed to the help side wing, the wing defender sprints out to close-out, the help side wing slides into help position and the ball is passed into the opposite post.
Goals / purpose / skills There are no data
Option: On the skip pass from the post to the opposite wing, instead of the help side wing defender sprinting all the way out to his man, often you can have your point defender cover this pass and the wing defender (in the double-team) jumps out to cover the point guard, who is closer and easier to get to.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis There are no data
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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