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DRILL "Full Court Tip and Run Drill"
Title:Full Court Tip and Run Drill
Author:FE Administrator
Graphic N°: 1
loading graphic

Graphic N°: 2
loading graphic

The team is split up in to two groups. Both groups are lined up in a row. The drill begins on each basket with O1 throwing the ball against the backboard. O2 has to catch the ball in the air and tip the ball against the backboard. The players behind O2 also tip the ball. In the meantime O1 runs to the other basket and lines up at the other line and waits until his turn.
Goals / purpose / skills
This drill is for conditioning.
This drill could last 1-5 minutes.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
This drill is continuous. Every player on the team should run during the drill. If there are too many players (in this drill you can use as many players as you want), the running distance track should be longer (e.g. use cones like in Picture 2).
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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