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DRILL "Half Court Pack Man to Man Post Drill"
Title:Half Court Pack Man to Man Post Drill
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This is a drill to practice low post defense.

- Graphic 1. Ball is at the top. Defender has to have a hand in the passing lane. Be in low stance and have an elbow in the back of his man. You cannot allow an entry pass from the top to the post.
- Graphic 2. Ball gets passed to 2. Defender has to be physical, fight over the top and get into a full-front position. 1 hand high and the other one used to make contact with his man.
Graphic 3. Ball gets passed to corner. Defender has to be in low side denial. Note that defender also has to be ready to help on any kind of dribble penetration from the wing or corner.
Graphic 4. Ball gets reversed to 4. Defender has to move into split line position. Post players always have to play on the split line.
Graphic 5. 4 penetrates baseline to the basket (2 dribbles max). Defender has to to stop 4, before he gets into the key. 4 retreat dribbles and defender moves back into split line position.
Graphic 7/8. 5 flash cuts to the elbow. Defender has to bump the cutter and force him back door - no cut over the top. 5 moves to ball side block. Defender will likely be a little bit late, so now we play 1 on 1 live with 1 dribble.

Rotation is clockwise. Defense to 5. 5 to 3. 3 to 2. 2 to 1. 1 to 4 and 4 to defense.
Goals / purpose / skills
- defending the post from different positions and angles
- fight for new position
- be aware of help side
Variations There are no data
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
- Emphasis on the right foot work
- Keep ball and player in vision
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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