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Description O2 is the passer and starts on the guard position and we have O1 and X1 playing against each other. The passer is only aloud to pass after 2 V-cuts and X1 has to play full defense all the time. After the pass O1 and X1 play live until the shot. After the shot or drive X1 boxes out O1. After the pass O2 goes to the offensive line and X1 goes to the passer line while O1 becomes the new defender.
Goals / purpose / skills Practice off ball and on ball defense.
Variations Play until score. Only give points for defensive stops. If there is a stop defense stays. If not, offense becomes the new defender.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis Foot alignment, no fouls by reaching. Force the offense to make a difficult finish.
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position