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DRILL "Georgia round"
Title:Georgia round
Graphic N°: 1
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Graphic N°: 2
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Continuous lay-ins after 6 passes.
2 lines under the baskets. 1 player out-of-bounds at the free-throw lines extended.
The two first players (here numbers 7 and 8) start together by passing the ball to the player standing out-of-bounds at the nearest free-throw line extended (here 7 passes to 1 and 8 passes 4).
They get the ball back while running and pass it to the 2 center passers (here 7 passes to 2 and 8 passes to 4.
They get it back one more time and pass it to the next player (here 7 to 3 and 8 to 6).
They both get it back for a lay-in.
The four passers (1, 3, 4 and 6) stay where the are until someone chases them away from their position.
The 2 shooters come back to their initial position by passing the same way but on the other side: 7 passes to 4, gets it back, passes to 5, gets back, passes to 6, gets it back for a lay-in.
After that 2nd lay-in, the next player under the basket picks up the ball before it touches the floor and starts hsi own round (pass to 1, back, pass to 2, back, pass to 3, back, lay-in, and so forth).
After his 2nd lay-in, player 7 runs to passer 1 position and tells him to go ayway. Passer 1 runs to passer 2 position and tells him to go away, passer 2 runs to passer 3 position and tells him to go away. Passer 3 goes under the basket and is ready to pick up the next basket made.
Passers 4, 5 and 6 change positions in the same time in the same manner.
The goal is to score 32 baskets within 2 minutes.

In graphic n° 2, you see only number 8 run: 8 passes to 4, gets it back and passes to 5, gets it back and passes to 6, gets it back and takes a lay-in, rebounds the ball before the later touches the floor, passes to 1, gets it back, passes to 2, gets it back, passes to 3, gets it back and takes his 2nd lay-in, then runs to replace passer 4, who runs to replace passer 5, who runs to replace passer 6, who runs under the basket ready for his turn.
Goals / purpose / skills
Warm-up drill that teaches young players to make crisp passes in front of the running player and also to call for the ball with extended arms.
Lay-ups instead of lay-ins.
This drill can also be done with 4 balls. In this case, the second ball starts only when the first one is in the hands of the central passer. With 4 balls, 48 baskets must be made in 2 minutes.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
Good passes in front of the runner. No balls on the floor.
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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