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DRILL "Decisionmaking and Getting Open for Wingplayers"
Title:Decisionmaking and Getting Open for Wingplayers
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O1 stands with his back to the basket, that he will play towards. The defenders shouts "GO". Then O1 turns and gets the ball from X2. As soon as possible he has to get the ball to the wingplayer if he is open. The Wingplayers are in the paint and have to get open for a good pass. The defence tries to stop every cut to get open or any pass to be made.
Goals / purpose / skills
1. O1 has to learn to pass to the open man as soon as possible.
2. Wingplayers have to learn to get open so that they are free.
It can be run in the half court or the full court. If you change the position of the defence you will get more or less time for the offence to be open.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis
In the full court setting dribbling is more important.
Players / Coaches
Age Group

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