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Description Three offensive players, three defensive players and a coach who starts with the ball. Play begins with a shot from the coach, then players rebound and go full court for transition work for both defence and offence.
Goals / purpose / skills Focus on blocking out, rebounding and transition from defence to offence.
Variations Start the drill 3v3 with an offensive player shooting the ball instead of a coach.
Tips / Hints / Emphasis Emphasis: initially defensive players need vision and communication to know that a shot has been taken. Defence must complete the play by rebounding before going on offence. Teach defensive transition principles, including defending the basket, stopping the ball, and rotating to another player. 3v3 is the ultimate test of defence. All defensive concepts are used in a 3v3 full court situation.
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position