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Description The team is divided in to equal size groups. The players in each group line up at the baseline. Each O1 has a ball. After a signal from the coach they start to dribble with their right hand up to half court. There (P) they stop and perform five push-ups. After that they pick up the ball again and dribble on to the opposite baseline using their left hand. There (S) they perform five sit-ups. Then they dribble back to half court with their right hand (J) and perform five standing jumps as high as possible. After that they dribble back to to their line and hand over the ball to the next player in line. This exercise continues until all players have finished.
Goals / purpose / skills Aim is to improve technical skills and stamina at the same time.
Variations This drill can be executed by all players at the same speed or at each players maximum speed (competition).
Tips / Hints / Emphasis Depending on the speed/intensity in which the drill is performed, entirely different aspects of stamina will be developed.
Equipment Players / Coaches Age Group U12 U14 U16 U18 U20 Seniors Type Position